![BSS [ PUBG ]](https://www.nfkcheats.com/storage/products/f75bcd81b465050392ec32ef64365222.png)
- on update
- BlackSector – PUBG Cheats. This Cheat have amazing visuals features, that will show you all enemies, 2d radar, items and much more!
- Cheat have Aimbot with prediction, many settings for legit usage.
- The software is only for ranked games. In normal matches there may be a ban.
- Enabled
- Vertical Aim
- Swap Target
- Visible Check
- Sway Correction
- Drop Correction
- Prediction
- Priority:
- Field of View
- Distance
- Health - Bones:
- Head
- Neck
- Chest
- Stomach
- Pelvis
- Limbs - Bone Priority:
- Field of View
- Damage
- Random - FOV Radius
- Keybind
—— Humanize ——
- Keep Target
- Duration
- Recoil Control System:
- Scale Pitch
- Scale Yaw - Smooth:
- Speed
- Max
—— Filter ——
- Filter Entities:
- Teammates
- Vehicle
- Knocked Out
- BOT - Filter Distance (50m - 1000m)
—— Render ——
- Aim Point:
- Enable
- Outline
- Skeleton
- Name
- Distance
- Weapon
- Health
- Health Bar
- Stats
- In-game Map
- 2D Box
- Font:
- White
- Outline
- Font Size
- Vehicle:
- Name
- Distance - Grenade:
- Name
- Distance
- Trajectory
- Name
- Distance
- Airdrop Items
- Filters:
- Equipment
- Weapon
- Attachment
- Ammunition
- Use
- Airdrop - Items Filter
- Crosshair selector
- Radar:
- Point Name
- Point Outline
- Point Size
- Range - Spectator List
- Friend List
- Keybind Manager
- Color Manager
- Load Config
- Save Config
- Delete Config
- Create Config
System Requirements
Supported processors
Supported OS
Windows 10,
Windows 11
Supported Builds
Additional Information
- Supported game version : Steam\Mail.Ru\KAKAO
- Supported game mode : Supported all game servers
- Supported anti-cheats : BattlEye XignCode
- Stream Proof : NO
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Product on update. Purchase unavailable