![MEDUSA Lite [ EFT ]](https://www.nfkcheats.com/storage/products/64009738cf29ad733902175c70c87ac4.jpg)
- on update
Be sure to check the system requirements!
- Keybind
- Only visible
- Force body aim
- FOV radius
- Max distance
- FOV style (Solid, Gradient)
- Filled FOV style (Solid, Gradient)
- Colors settings
—— Target ——
- Nearest Bone
- Bone (Head, Neck, Pelvis) // Different selections for players and bots
- Ignored roles (PMC, Friends, Scavs, Bots, Bosses)
- Target info (Over target, Center screen)
- Line to target (Solid, Gradient)
- Colors settings
- Detailed settings for Players and AI separately
- Box Style (Corner & Outline, Corner, Box & Outline, Box)
- Filled box style (Solid, Gradient)
- Skeleton
- Chams style (Latex, Glow, X-Ray, Amogus glow, Depth glow, In-depth glow)
- Chams effect power
- Chams intensity
- Health Bar (Solid, Gradient)
- Info (Name, Distance, Level, K/D, In-game time, Win streak)
- Weapon
- Inventory
- Inventory min price
- Traces
- Max distance
- Chams style (Latex, Glow, X-Ray, Amogus glow, Depth glow, In-depth glow)
- Chams effect power
- Chams intensity
- Show ammo count
- Crosshair
- Draw distance
- Draw price
- Shorten names
- Max distance
- Font size
- Hide in scope
- Hide in battlemode
- Show only when hovering
- Categories (Weapon, Ammo, Ammo boxes, Magazines, Sights, Suppressors, Tactical devices, Weapon parts, Special equipment, Repair, Keys, Barter, Containers, Maps, Provisions, Gear, Meds, Currency)
- Quests items
- For active quests only
- Min price for an item
- Min total price
—— Items filter ——
- Enable
- Show only selected
- Category (Weapon, Ammo, Ammo boxes, Magazines, Sights, Suppressors, Tactical devices, Weapon parts, Special equipment, Repair, Keys, Barter, Containers, Maps, Provisions, Gear, Meds, Currency)
- Max distance
- Font size
- Search field
- Enable
- Show only active
- Show completed conditions
- Only for current location
- Distance
- Hide in scope
- Hide in battle mode
- A list of all your quests based on your customizations
- Grenades (Distance, Timer, Trajectory, Sphere, Radius)
- Trajectory style (Static, Animated)
- Radius style (Static, Animated)
- Grenades distance
- Danger Zones (Mines, Snipes)
- Stationary weapon
- Exfil
- Show exfil requirements
- Bullet traces (Solid, Gradient)
- Hitmaker
- Hitsound
- Time Changer
—— Map info ——
- Keybind
- Players (Total players, PMC, Scavs, Bots, Bosses)
- Items (Over 100K, Over 250K, Over 500K, Over 1KK)
- Custom items (On ground, In corpses)
- Silent loot
- Remove delay to open container
- Run and shoot
- Modifiers (No recoil, No sway, Instant ADS)
- Thermal vision (Dark, Light)
- Night vision
- Anti AFK
- Menu keybind
- Panic keybind
- Battlemode keybind
- Style (Solid, Gradient)
- Theme (Light, Dark)
- DPI Scale (100%, 115%, 125%, 150%)
- Language (English, Chinese, Russian)
- Watermark (Icon, Text)
- Config (Name, Add, Save, Load, Rename, Delete, Set default AutoLoad, Export, Export all, Import, Reset to default)
System Requirements
Supported processors
Supported OS
Windows 10,
Windows 11
Supported Builds
Additional Information
- Processors: Intel & AMD
- Supported OS only x64: Windows 10 all builds, Windows 11
- Supported modes: FullScreen, Windowed, Frameless
This product has no information about the change log
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Product on update. Purchase unavailable