- undetected
EFT Chams Plus
- Don't miss the opportunity to use EFT Chams Plus right now and gain an advantage in the game Escape from Tarkov. Buy the cheat and become a more successful player today.
- Flat chams
- Wireframe chams
- Glow chams
- Pulse glow chams
—— Colors settings ——
- Bots color
- Pmcs color
- Friends color
- Scavs color
- Bosses color
- Followers color
- Only custom items
- Using price color + Custom
- Using category color + Custom
- Min. price items to show on esp (RUB)
- Custom loot filter with Category and field search
—— Containers chams ——
- Medkit Barter Bank safe Med and other 20+ types of container
- Chams distance [ 0 - 3000m ]
- Chams quest items
- Self chams
- BTR chams
- Grenades chams
- Tripwires chams
- No recoil [F2]
- Instant aiming
- No sway
- Fast magazine check
- Fast load & unload magazine
- Infinity stamina & No fatigue
- No intertia
- Always sprint
- Hight Jump
- No Visor (Helmet glass)
- No pain effects
- Night vision
- Thermal vision
- ZoomHack
- Time changer [hours pick]
System Requirements
Supported processors
Supported OS
Windows 10,
Windows 11
Supported Builds
Additional Information
- Supported Games: Only EFT original (Arena not work)
- Game ver: BTG Launcher;
- Supported Game Mode: Fullscreen / Window / Borderless;
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Product on update. Purchase unavailable