![EXODUS [ Apex Legends ]](https://www.nfkcheats.com/storage/products/5e2a9fcb95fb645f109fa4505184466b.jpg)
- Apex Legends
- on update
EXODUS [ Apex Legends ]
Be sure to check the system requirements!
- Enabled
- Static FOV in Zoom
- Aim if out of FOV
- Prediction
- Visible Check
- Ignore Knocked
- Draw FOV
- Bone Selection
—— Context ——
- Limit Legit FOV
- FOV radius
- Smooth
- Randomization
- AimStep
- Sway Compensation
- Recoil Compensation
- Keybind
- Second keybind
- Target Switch Type (Normal, Kill Stop, Kill Delay)
—— Weapon Config ——
- Enabled
- Smooth
- Sway Compensation
- Recoil Compensation
- Target Switch Type (Normal, Kill Stop, Kill Delay)
- Weapon Group (Rifle, SMG, LMG, Marksman, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol)
- Enabled
- Reaction Delay
- Switch Target Delay
- Max Distance
- Keybind
- Bone Selection
- Ignore Knocked
- Draw Box
- Draw Name
- Draw Health
- Draw Shield
- Draw Skeleton
- Draw Weapon
- Draw Barrel
- Draw Distance
- Draw Glow
- Glow Type (Filled, Pulse, Wireframe Pulse, Outline)
- Outline Box
- Filled Box
- Corner Box
- Corner Factor
- Enabled
- Draw Glow
- Glow Type (Filled, Pulse, Wireframe Pulse, Outline)
- Disable Text with Glow
- Draw Distance
- Render Distance
- Rarity (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic)
- Filters (Shield, Helmet, Knockdown Shield, Backpack, Ammo, Attachment, Grenades, Medical, Rifle, SMG, LMG, Marksman, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Throwing Knife)
- Smart Loot
- Custom Filters
- Perfect Silent Aimbot
- Disable Randomization
- No Spread
- FOV Changer
- Enable Fight Mode
- FPS Limit
- Trigger Bot Debug Hitboxes
- Disable Team Check
- Unsafe Mode (Risky)
- Language (English, Chinese)
—— Movement ——
- Auto Bunny Hop
- Auto Tap Strafe
- WASD Strafe
- Auto Super Glide
- Super Glide Adaptive
- Auto Supper Grapple
—— Scripts ——
- Big Map Radar
- Create Config
- Config Name
- Save
- Load
- Delete
System Requirements
Supported processors
Supported OS
Windows 10,
Windows 11
Supported Builds
Additional Information
- Supported game version: Steam, EA App
- Supported Game Mode: Windowed / Borderless
- Supported Processors: Intel and AMD
- Supported OS: Windows 10-11 x64
- Supported builds: everything from 1903 to last one
- Video or Screenshot Invisibility Support: None
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Product on update. Purchase unavailable